In the Chugach near Anchorage, Alaska with ANA. Photo by Erin Larson
I'm a biologist, writer, wildlife illustrator, and photographer. In Montana, I have studied wild birds at the National Bison Range and Yellowstone National Park. I've also spent time doing research on the behaviour, genetics and evolution of zebras in Kenya, mice in Eastern Europe, and cuckoo finches and honeyguides in Zambia. I’ve written two illustrated popular science book about birds for Princeton University Press.
I started leading nature and birdwatching tours as a high school student in Singapore, and have continued pursuing and sharing my fascination with all things wild as an undergraduate at Princeton and Oxford, and as a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Cambridge.
During my time earning a Ph.D. in biology at Harvard, I spent time leading Harvard Natural History Museum expeditions to Tanzania, and Central Asia. I also led trips for Lindblad and National Geographic Expeditions to the Galapagos Islands, Panama, and Costa Rica.
For fun, I enjoy birding, exploring the mountains on foot, on skis, and on horseback. In order to do my bit for conservation, I share the wonders of Nature through foraging, cooking, photography, painting, writing, and radio.
Books: Bird Love, and How to Read Birds/ Understanding Bird Behavior (depending on which side of the Atlantic you are on).
Some examples of Field Notes recorded for Montana Public Radio: Great Horned Owls, Montana's Winter Bird Songs, Pronghorn siblicide in the womb
Photos of wenfei in Arches National Park by Ivan Dong
Photo of wenfei and barabara in kenya by Dino Martins
On safari in Tanzania with the harvard Natural history museum
Watching wolves in yellowstone
Harvard natural history museum trip to the galapagos
watching a sage grouse lek near the big hole. photo by christine morris
Riding Zam in the Mission Valley photo by bryla jones